In this month, Catherine's development has been outstanding, she is always in good mood, playing, laughing, and exploring. Her appetite has increased dramatically. We are going out more frequently and she is definitely enjoying it. Now that she feels more secure, she is more independent. She is climbing everywhere and testing her limits. She counts from 1 to 10 in Spanish, English and Cantonese. Clearly, she is another girl.
Catherine's skin is very dry and scaly. Therefore, continuing the moisturizer withdrawal approach will be a difficult task. Additionally, she still wakes up in the middle of the night rubbing her face; sometimes, she rubs her face so bad that make her skin oozes.
Despite her skin is improving, she still has to use gauzes in her arms, legs and body, because when she is wrapped, she feels more comfortable and she is less itchy. Definitely, It must be something psychological.
Bone broths, white rice, and vegetables. For snacks, roasted edamame, kale, cantaloupe, fruit popsicles, and once in a while, sugar cookies (dairy-egg free).
Overall, it was a good month. Catherine is discovering new things and she is enjoying every new experience. We are truly grateful for her skin progress!