Stress played a big role. Since Catherine developed her skin condition and we started this process, we haven't been so strict in daily routines and discipline. Now that we have family with us, it has been difficult to keep rules. We have been dealing with meltdowns and temper tantrums from my eldest son that makes Catherine feel scared and uncomfortable.
Breastfeeding issue. I've been so stressed out lately that I'm sure my breast milk has affected my daughter's eczema. I've been trying to wean off the breast several times, but every time I do it, she gets distressed. Every time she feels anxious, she scratches her body, face and legs. Now, instead of putting off feeds, she is asking more often. Unfortunately, nursing is the only thing that calms her down.
Changing habits. Making small changes in routine also affect Catherine's eczema big time. In this month, we did a lot of things differently. For example, we used household cleaning products containing Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, I changed part of my diet and we didn't separate Catherine's dishes, utensils and pots to avoid cross-contamination of foods.
Weakened immune system. Illness, such as cold, always makes Catherine's eczema worse. Every time she gets a cold, there is a severe flare up that lasts up to two weeks. Thankfully, this time we didn't have to use the nebulizer, the cold went away on its own.
Even though it was a tough month, we had a really good time with family. Another positive thing is that she is not taking any medication. No Bactroban, no antibiotics, no antihistamines. We haven't been in a doctor's office since last October when we started the TSW process. We are only giving her supplements (Probiotic, Cod Liver Oil and Vitamin D). Since we stopped using moisturizer her legs improved a lot, now she can stay naked without scratching her legs.