I won't let this skin condition affects my daughter's self esteem. For that reason, every time I have the opportunity, I tell her that she is beautiful.
Catherine is almost a 7 year old girl that has been off Topical Steroid Creams and Protopic for six years. Catherine had eczema since she was 2 months and she was prescribed with potent steroid creams continuously for one year. Then, she stopped responding to the medicines and her skin got worse. She was suffering from Steroid Induced Eczema, not real eczema. That's the reason why we stopped steroids by October of 2013.
![]() Catherine is now more aware about her skin condition. Yesterday, while we were at the playground, someone stared at her for a really long time. She immediately turned her face down and hid it in the swing. I was so mad that I said loudly, 'Catherine, lift your face. You are beautiful and you dont have anything to be ashamed of. It is only an allergy.' She changed her expression and smiled me back. I won't let this skin condition affects my daughter's self esteem. For that reason, every time I have the opportunity, I tell her that she is beautiful.
3/26/2014 12:46:55 am
The stares are the worst. I find that it is usually adults that do the majority of the staring. I am glad that you let her know that she is beautiful - and she is!
3/28/2014 04:30:42 am
You are right, I have had enough of the staring and want to ask them why they are staring and if something is wrong...with them!. Thank you DiAnn for sharing your thoughts!
4/18/2014 07:00:57 am
This made my heart drop!
4/19/2014 01:49:12 am
Thank you so much for leaving such an encouraging comment CatRStephens!
5/6/2014 04:42:29 am
Hi there! Came across your blog while doing research on topical steroids for eczema. Just wanted to leave a comment, because I know how it feels to be stared at (by other kids AND parents) for having eczema. I also had eczema since I was young, and only recently was able to clear it through a 30-day eczema program focusing on gut health to heal skin :) You sound like a wonderful supporting mother, will be following your progress! Best of luck :)
5/6/2014 08:21:55 pm
Thanks Christina! I'm glad you found the way to clear up from eczema. Did you do the GAPS Diet? We have been on and off with GAPS, but definitely every time we do Intro Stage 1, we can notice the difference.
5/8/2014 06:45:42 am
Hi Cllyann, Leave a Reply. |
Catherine is a brave girl going through Topical Steroid Withdrawal. The goal of this blog is to raise awareness about Topical Steroid Addiction and Withdrawal. By Month
August 2019
Disclaimer This blog is not intended to be medical advice |