Moisturizer cream alternative
We applied twice a day organic raw honey to treat the oozing areas. According to literature, honey has been used successfully to treat skin problems. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties makes it suitable for eczema sufferers.
Caregivers S.O.S
Since we started TSW, I have prioritized my daughter's needs over mine. I didn't take care of my teeth as I used to and the result was a root canal infection. Nothing compares to the pain associated with infected dental pulp. Thanks God is over.
After 11 months, I can resume this process as the worst nightmare ever. I knew this process would be challenging, but I never imagined that my faith and patience would be tested daily. Lack of sleep, emotional ups and downs, stares from rude strangers, intense itching all the time. My husband, who is a gentle person with a lot of patience, was out of control during this month. It also happened to me while I was driving. We have to cheer each other up to don't give up.
Finally, we believe Catherine might be infected, so, we made an appointment with a new doctor. I'll keep you posted.