I had so high expectations regarding Catherine's recovery on this month that going through another flare up really upset me. Our theory regarding this new flare up is that she might be experiencing teething symptoms. Teething can be stressful and this can triggers eczema.
We have noticed that whenever she is tired, her skin starts to become itchy. This discomfort intensifies before every nap and while she is sleeping. Therefore, every night is a nightmare, Catherine's sleep is interrupted several times due to the itching. We try to make turns with my husband to avoid that she scratches so bad until she bleeds, but at this point we feel so sleep deprived that sometimes we fall asleep with her and we are not able to stop the itch fests.
Anti-scratch sleeves don't work for her anymore because now that she is bigger and stronger, she turns her body against the pillow to rub her cheeks fiercely.
Since she stopped breastfeeding, she has been obsessed with food. She has been eating chicken and beef stock with vegetables, turkey patties, green lentils, white rice and quinoa. Garbanzo pancake and banana bread (dairy and egg free) for breakfast; also apples, pears and cantaloupe. Additionally, rice milk and homemade coconut milk. For snacks, roasted edamame, cauliflower, fruit popsicles and Enjoy Life Sugar Crisp cookies.
In summary, I can conclude that TSW progress is not linear. Last month, I had the good feeling like we were near the end; this month, I feel like giving up. Definitely, I will need an extra dose of patience for the upcoming month.